An epidermal nevus is an overgrowth of the epidermal layer of skin. Half of them can be present at birth and the other half may develop during childhood. It tends to be in a segment of skin as it follows the lines of Blashko which are invisible line up of skin cells merging together during embryonic development.
When do we worry?
It can be part of a syndrome if associated with neurological, skeletal and eye abnormalities.
Treatments available in the clinic include:
If cosmesis is of concern, we can cauterise or laser these lesions.
Mount Alvernia Hospital
820 Thomson Road
St Anne Mother & Child Centre
Singapore 574623
Opening hours
Monday to Friday:
8.30am to 5pm
Saturday (2nd and 4th):
8.30am to 12noon
Phone or WhatsApp
(65) 91252808