Nevus of Ota, otherwise termed as oculodermal melanosis, is an uncommon bluish grey, sometimes brown, pigmented birthmark on one side of the face which has a higher predilection for Asians.
It affects females more than males. Up to two thirds present at birth or shortly thereafter, with the remaining third presenting at puberty.
When do we worry?
Cutaneous malignant change (4.6%) 1-3
Nevus of Ota, otherwise termed as oculodermal melanosis, is an uncommon bluish grey, sometimes brown, pigmented birthmark on one side of the face which has a higher predilection for Asians.
It affects females more than males. Up to two thirds present at birth or shortly thereafter, with the remaining third presenting at puberty.
When do we worry?
Cutaneous malignant change (4.6%) 1-3
Treatments available in the clinic include:
If cosmesis is of concern, laser treatment can be performed. Lasers performed in children at a mean age of 3 years old, required fewer treatment sessions and had greater response rates. Treatment at an early age before school going age helps with clinical and psychological outcome. Although, recurrence can occur a few years later.
Mount Alvernia Hospital
820 Thomson Road
St Anne Mother & Child Centre
Singapore 574623
Opening hours
Monday to Friday:
8.30am to 5pm
Saturday (2nd and 4th):
8.30am to 12noon
Phone or WhatsApp
(65) 91252808