Skin Cancer Screening

Skin cancer screening is recommended at least every 2 to 3 years if not annually. In addition, those at increased risk are advised to screen at least annually if not every 6 months.

Do present to your dermatologist if there is any change in size, shape, colour, itching or bleeding of your moles. In adults, knowing the ABCDEs of mole change can help with self – monitoring. On the other hand, in children, conventional ABCDEs of mole change is modified such that a pre-existing mole may lose its colour and simply start growing.

High risk for skin cancer

  • Family history of skin cancer
  • Personal history of sunburns
  • Personal history of actinic/damage
  • Personal history of dysplastic nevi/multiple nevi
  • Fair skin
  • On immunosuppressants

Photographic documentation

  • Photos via a dermatoscope is taken to monitor any suspiscious lesions


  • This can be performed via an Excision biopsy (see this section under Surgery) which is preferred over a Shave Excision as far as possible
  • The method of biopsy can be further discussed with your doctor