Keloids form due to abnormal over healing of a wound. It is difficult to decide if this condition should be placed under “Medical dermatology” or “Cosmetic dermatology” given that most patients seek treatment for this due to itching, pain and growth of this condition more so than its aesthetic concern. Hence, it has been placed under “Laser dermatology” as one of the most effective treatments has been the Pulsed dye laser. However, the treatment outcome can still be said to be unpredictable as recurrence rates are high.
Treatments available in the clinic include:
Pulsed dye laser
Mount Alvernia Hospital
820 Thomson Road
St Anne Mother & Child Centre
Singapore 574623
Opening hours
Monday to Friday:
8.30am to 5pm
Saturday (2nd and 4th):
8.30am to 12noon
Phone or WhatsApp
(65) 91252808